Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tag you're it! Thanks Becki

So this is an adorable pic of two special people to me....My handsome lil man and my dear friend Sarah! We always have so much fun when Sarah comes to town....I know she is the infamous "babysitter" to most...but to our fam she is like a sister/auntie. We love to hang out, talk, eat, and take pictures of the kids being silly. I love how Sarah & I keep it real....we talk about everything...she maybe knows as much about me as Daniel does....scarry I know!
Sarah was our 1st official babysitter for Si after he was born (Al napped with him 1st @ 6wks!)...then we decided to share her with everyone else....needless to say her calendar fills up quickly these days! Anyone who as ever met her instanlty loves can you not??? If you have little ones she will spoil them...sometimes even kidnap them (haha....jk she always asks first!) She is an amazing care giver (more like a lil momma) and an awesome friend...I am so blessed not only to know her but to call her a close friend.
We love you Sarah (or Sa-da as Jordann calls her)!!

So now you have seen my 4th pic that was saved in the 4th folder on my's your turn...SO TAG YOU ARE IT! I pick the following 4 ladies to post the 4th of their#4....Laura, Amanda, Jen, Brandi!!! Can't wait to see what you have to say!