Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Time

This pic is from last fall when Josiah had a little fun with the yard work! Fall at our house is such a fun time. Lots of yard work required to keep up with the massive leaves. We are still pretty old school for the times...meaning my hubby refuses to get a riding lawn mower (we are the only ones in our neighborhood still pushing it!) and he just (last month) splurged on a leaf blower/mulcher (WOW!!) I love my husband and his frugal ways (most of the time ;) but there are just some things that a man should!!! Our yard is not huge by any stretch...just enough that push mowing takes about an hour to do. Then there's the bagging of the grass and leaves...I have no clue why I care...I don't mow(luckily allergic to grass!!)...just rake & bag (Great exercise!)
This year we are doing a lot of renovations on our exterior...adding all new windows and siding to make our house more energy efficient. I am excited to see the windows (they will be put in sometime in the next few weeks) If you are considering new windows for your house let me know and we can do a referral for you...we make $100 and so do you!! Just for meeting with them and letting them give you an estimate...NO OBLIGATION! It's a great way to make a lil dinner out money and see what it would cost to update your home :) I'll post before and after pics so you all can see the difference & keep you posted on utility savings!!

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