Monday, June 8, 2009

Miss Jordann

This is one sweet girl! I am amazed daily at what a neat lil person she is! Funny and smart, sweet and beautiful...she is the total package!!

She turned 2 this week! YES 2!!

She loves her big brother and is really into hugs and kisses right lately she just wants to give great big hugs and pull you in for a big smootch! The more I praise each hug and kiss the more she squeezes! I LOVE IT!!

Lately she has been dancing and singing...oh my is precious to watch. Last week was VBS...I had an awesome gig leading the kids in music and it was a great workout dancing to each song 6 times a day! Anyway...Jordann picked up and the moves and was just giving Daniel a mini concert before church and he was praising her and she was so proud...he couldn't tell what song she was trying to sing so he asked her to show me...well it was the theme song for VBS...Boomerang Express! She was totally into it shaking her bootie and pumping her arms!

Jordann has also been talking up a storm too! Oh my....toddler talk can be so fun...when she tries to say a word we try to correct her and usually everything we tell her she replies w/ "oh".

One word she struggles with is truck....that's right she says a four letter work that rhymes with truck. I think we might just try to convince her that it is a choo-choo again (that's what she used to call trucks and semis).

So far potty training has been pretty easy...she is lil miss independent and does a great job of telling us when she needs to go.

It is fun to watch Josiah teach his sister all that he knows. They have been counting and doing abc's together. Si will sit and read books to her and they love playing cars and taking walks while he pushes her in the stroller. He has been so great when she askes him for help, it makes my heart melt. We have taught our kids to say "Thank you Jesus" when we have something to be grateful not getting the speeding ticket...or even just a praise from another person. Watching both of our children pray is a tear jerker for me. Jordann never lets anyone eat without praying. Sometimes if I am still finishing something and do not get to the table before everyone is ready to start I will just have them pray and I pray from wherever I am. That does not work for her...once I sit down and try to eat she says "momma NO" points for me to put my food down and folds her hands to instruct me to pray!! How precious is that?

Jordann has such a neat personality and she loves to laugh and make others laugh too! Most of her silliness was learned from watching Josiah and all his many characters. There is never really a dole moment at our house.

Jordann you are a precious little girl and such a blessing to our family!


Laura said...

I think she is so stinkin' cute! Just looking at her makes me smile and I can just imagine her doing all of the things you said in this post.

You are a good momma! Thanks for the updates...

Al's World said...

She is so beautiful, I cannot believe she is two...where does all the time go???

Becki Francy said...

What? TWO???? Crazy! She is too cute!